One Of My Passions!

I am going to tell you about one of my passions. I hope you enjoy listing to me tell you my passion.  If you like it maybe you should try it.      


I love to dance.  It  is my favorite sport. I love doing it with my friends. We practice together and we compete together. It is really fun. We practice every Tuesday. On our last competion we got 1st place in our Hip-Hop.  It was a really fun time. We earned it from all of our hard work. We are practicing even harder for our next competion. Wish my team and I good luck.  Thank You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Share one of your passions with me on this post.

One thought on “One Of My Passions!

  1. I love dancing too !! I love watching you dance at competitions !! You are very good and if this is what you enjoy then you should stick with it !!!

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