Archive | October 2012

Fun At The Lake!

It was mid July and summer time again and we were all ready to go on a family camping trip again. It was hot outside especially , since we were in Texas. Mom and dad had taken off two days of work to spend time with us. We would leave in a day to head to the Lake. We were all filled with joy and excitement.

The next day we packed the car up with all our supplies and headed off.

We arrived at the lake an hour later and found a spot for camping. we unloaded everything out of the car and placed the boat in the water. We set up everything in place, then hopped onto the boat and left.

After we stopped the boat engine,we got out the fishing poles and hooked them with bait.Everyone casted out their fishing line , except for me! I didn’t know how! my dad looked at me and asked,”well aren’t you gonna fish?” “I don’t know how to cast out my fishing line,”I said. “That’s okay I’ll teach you,”he replied.After he taught me all the steps I needed to know, I tried to cast out my line and it still didn’t work.

I kept trying and trying but I still couldn’t. My brother had been watching us and said,”Hey sis, even though you aren’t the best you’re still good.” I tried one last time and it worked.We all caught some fish, then released them back into the water and headed back to the campsite.

When we arrived back at the campsite, my sister went and got all the firewood, while everyone else got all the other supplies we need.While we did we sang the Sponge bob campfire song.

Once my oldest brother started the fire, we put hot dogs on sticks and cooked them. Once they were ready, we ate them and we were then ready to make some sweet s’mores.They smelled as sweet as a flower.

We stuck the marshmallows on sticks and cooked them until they were done. While we were sitting at the fire , my sister’s marshmallow caught on fire and I thought that she was gonna catch someone on fire!!!!!!!!!!!We finished our crunchy s’mores and then went to bed.

The next day we packed everything up. We made sure that we had everything and then left. Another camping trip had passed, but it was filled with joy and excitement or at least that’s what I thought. We all couldn’t wait till we head their again next year.