Archive | November 2012


Where am I?,
Where do I go?,
I’m lost in all these trees,

I know that it can’t be long until they find me
but I know what I have to do,I have to build a fire so they see the smoke,
I gather sticks, and pine cones,
I put them in a pile and grab my lighter,
lucky I still had my bag before I got lost from the others,

I started the fire and smoke goes up rapidly,
then I hear a strange sound,
where’s it coming from?,
I’m afraid,lost,and scared,
I don’t know what to do,
then I see lights, and hear dogs barking,

Then I see people and their calling my name,

Then I stand up and start to walk towards them,
then I tripped over a stump and a old log fell on my leg,
I screamed in pain,
It felt like a rock being thrown at me,
then they found me and removed the log,
they carried me off,

I had a broken leg, but now I’m safe,
I’m home and recovered and happy that God let them find me,
I will always remember the next time I go hiking,
I will stick with the group,
so I don’t get lost and hurt again.

Do not copy right this!!!!!!

Ice Cream Sundae!!!

Different delicious flavors,
mint,and more,
my favorite is vanilla but I like other flavors,

Grab a bowl,
fill it with your favorite flavor,
next comes fudge to be poured,
after fudge comes sprinkles,
all different colors and flavors like skittles,
blue,pink,and more,
top it with whip cream,
then a cheery,
now it’s ready to be eaten,
sit down,
and enjoy your ice cream sundae,
enjoy all the cold and sweetness,
bursting with flavor in your mouth.

Happy Thanksgiving

Hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!! Enjoy all the turkey, and stuffing with greenbeans,mashpotatoes,corn and all the other side dishes!! Don’t forget the cake,cupcakes,pie and brownies!! Don’t forget to be thankful for your family,friends, and every thing else in the world in including your enimies! Have a Happy Thanksgiving to you all and be safe black friday shopping!!!