Archive | February 2013

Don’t Give Up!!!!!!!!!

​Do you have a dream?,
​If so what is it?
​You can do anything you want to,

​You could become a singer,
​Basketball champion,
​A famous athlete,
​Set a world record,
​Or even be in the Olympics,

​If you have a dream,
Chase it,
​Don’t give up,

Never ever give up,
​God didn’t create you for no reason,
​Everyone is special and different in their own way,

​Love who you are and,
​DON’T GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Different Flavors

My favorite sense is taste because I can taste anything I want too. My favorite food is French fries and I love the taste of them. I like to eat skittles when I am stressed because they are fruity and delicious. They help me feel like I am in a whole different world. what do they make you feel like? When I taste my favorite food I’m happy and delightful.This is why taste is my favorite sense.
Without taste everything would be awful. I wouldn’t be able to taste my favorite food. I also wouldn’t be able to taste sweet creamy ice cream when I got the opportunity to. I also wouldn’t be able to eat salty popcorn. Now that would be awful! I could think something looked and tasted delicious but I could be wrong but I wouldn’t know because I couldn’t taste. This is how my life would be without taste. 🙂

DO NOT COPY RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!